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Gowri Selka

Data and AI Strategist

Volantsys Analytics

Gowri Selka iis a technology futurist with experience in leading data and analytics strategy in both Fortune 50 companies and start-ups. Gowri specializes in advising clients on data strategy, AI centers of excellence, and integrating analytics capabilities to shape the future of business.

Gowri is the founder of the product dBIRD (data business requirements, insights, risks, and decisions) that enables enterprises to build data science solutions using guided workflows based on the CRISP-DM framework and tailored to the type of AI solution, ensuring the expected business outcomes are attained.

In Gowri’s previous role as head of data and analytics at Walgreens, she led global teams that drove the effort to optimize data platforms and established an analytics forum.

Agenda Key

  • Analyst Insights: the latest trends and research delivered by TDWI analysts.
  • Expert Best Practices: experts, with in-the-trenches expertise, focus on best practices and successful real-world applications
  • Curated Case Studies: case studies, delivered by experts in the field, with a focus on actionable takeaways
  • Tech-in-Action: moderated technology demos and case study sessions that enable attendees to assess all the latest AI applications and technologies
  • Workshop: Interactive session where leaders come together with peers, with an expert facilitator, to discuss common challenges and proven best practices

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TDWI Chicago

Chicago, IL
April 28–May 3